
Contributing to Pinfig

Pinfig is our way to hopefully help make visual sense making easier for everyday knowledge work. If you're interested in contributing to Pinfig, hopefully, this document makes the process clearer.

Get Involved

There are many ways to contribute to Pinfig. Here's a few ideas:

  • Simply start using Pinfig.
  • Share Pinfig with people who might find it useful.
  • Go through the Getting Started guide. Does everything work as expected? If not, we're always looking for improvements. Let us know by opening an issue or opening a feature request.
  • Read through the Pinfig documentation. If you find anything that is missing, confusing or can be improved, let us know using our Feedback board.
  • If you would like, you can click "Edit this page" at the bottom of most docs, which takes you to the GitHub interface to make and propose changes.

Contributions are very welcome. Please let us know if you have other ideas for contributing.

Join our Discord Channel

We have the #contributors channel on Discord to discuss all things about Pinfig development. You can also be of great help by helping other users in the #help-and-questions forum channel.


When opening a new issue, please, make sure to provide sufficient detail to help us manage your request in a timely fashion.

Please don't use the GitHub issue tracker for questions. If you have questions about using Pinfig, use any of our support channels: Discord #help-and-questions or Feedback board.

We will do our best to answer your questions quickly.


We use one place for Pinfig public bugs. If you would like to report a problem, take a look around and see if someone already opened an issue about it. If is a new, unreported bug, please submit a bug report.

When submitting issues, please, report:

  • A single bug per issue
  • The steps necessary to reproduce the issue


If you would like to share feedback, request a new feature, or enhancement, please use the Feedback board.